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  • Campbell New WADS Canadian Detachment Commander

    The Canadian Detachment at the Western Air Defense Sector officially changed command Aug. 4, 2022.Royal Canadian Air Force Col. Jody Hanson relinquished command to RCAF Lt. Col. Dale Campbell. Campbell’s responsibilities will include leading the 15-member Canadian Detachment and serving as the

  • WADS Canadian Detachment marks Remembrance Day

    The Western Air Defense Sector Canadian Detachment marked Remembrance Day with a small outdoor parade ceremony in front of the WADS building Nov. 11, 2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions.

  • Ogunniya named 2019 Logistician of the Year

    The Western Air Defense Sector’s Canadian Detachment Master Sailor Malisa Ogunniya, human resources administrator, was awarded the 2019 Junior Non-Commissioned member Logistician of the Year award from Lt. Col. Michael Fawcett, Canadian Detachment commanding officer, Oct. 30, 2020 at Joint Base

  • Canadian Air Defense Sector Members Complete Training at WADS

    The Western Air Defense Sector hosted 11 air battle managers of the Royal Canadian Air Force for a five week period this fall in order to complete their qualification training. The air battle managers were deployed from 3 Wing and 22 Wing of the RCAF.