Interested in Joining the Washington Air National Guard?

Give us a call at our general recruiting line at 253-512-3351 and anyone in our office would be happy to help answer your questions.  If you want to speak to a specific recruiter please use the contact information below.     




Superintendent, Recruiting & Retention
Washington Air National Guard
118 Infantry Dr
Camp Murray, WA 98430

Office: 253-512-3352
Fax: 253-512-3350
iPhone: 253-365-7539





Questions for the WADS team?

Job Types

  • DSG (Drill Status Guardsman): Most positions in the Air National Guard are listed as DSG - traditional drill status guardsmen positions, which means that you would only need to serve one weekend per month and 15 days per year.  DSG positions are typically where new recruits start and where you can serve in the U.S. military part time while still maintaining full time civilian employment as well.
  • AGR (Active Guard Reserve): You may see some job postings in the Washington Air National Guard listed as AGR status.  Those jobs are where National Guard Airmen volunteer for active duty service to provide full-time support to the Washington Air National Guard for the purpose of organizing, recruiting, instructing, or training.  AGRs serve full time and enjoy the same benefits and entitlements of Active Duty Airmen.  To apply for an AGR position, members must currently be active members of the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve or Active Duty Air Force.  AGR status is advertised for mostly E-4s and above, as many years of training are required to become proficient in your career field before having the capability and responsibility of training others.  



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Joining Requirements